According to EHL Insights analysis on hospitality industry, the industry economic dropped greater than the 2008 recession and chaos caused by fluctuation in demand had a significant impact on hospitality throughout 2020 and 2021.

Hence a shift in society due to changing values after the acute phase of COVID -19 pandemic.

A new benchmarks has been set for hospitality enterprises due to increase in consumer's awareness of things sustainable, purpose and health & well-being. The current trends in the hospitality industry of 2022 globally which Liberia as a country is not excluded are follows:

 Bleisure (Business and leisure) travelers & hotel work spaces:

Working remotely has today become commonplace for many employees and is forecasted to become more than just a passing trend. A shift accelerated by the global public health crisis, an unprecedented number of high-profile companies –With big tech companies

 Holistic hospitality, health & well-being

Preventative medicine and self-care are undisputedly trending right now due to the COVID pandemic. The wellness industry is transforming into a booming trillion dollars market and hospitality venues are well positioned to take a large piece of the pie, especially those with existing spa facilities.

In addition to the usual beauty and relaxation spa offering, there is rapidly growing demand for health diagnostic technology and bespoke treatment plans delivered by experts who conduct personal or group sessions to develop vitality, healing, stress management, emotional balance, mindfulness and better sleep

Apps are increasingly important in the way hoteliers manage the services they provide to their customers and can now control many aspects of the guest cycle and experience. Needless to say, the trend towards digital and contactless services has gained new momentum since 2020.

 Traditionally, customer-facing services are being given an overhaul thanks to the more widespread use of technology-assisted options, such as mobile check-in, contactless payments, voice control and biometrics.

Consumers who have become accustomed to unlocking their smartphones and laptops using facial and fingerprint recognition will soon come to expect the same convenience in accessing their hotel rooms.

 Unfortunately for the establishments looking to welcome them, these upgrades may be costly to install and maintain. 

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, we recommend your dig deep and make the investment.

CONTACT US TODAY @ Caldwell New Georgia North Road or call 0775034412/ 0888015049
 Email:infodominioventureliberialimited@gmail,com for booking or our website portal to register your interest.