The hotel industry is the cyclic service business and a significant and distinct economic force within the country's service economy that carries out a vital role in the country's economic progress. 

When visitors spend money in hotels, restaurants and entertainment places it actually generates income for the local economy where it associates to economic development growth and activities. 

The hotel industry connects together many kinds of industries including the tourism which "LIBERIA MINISTRY OF INFORMATION, CULTURE AND TOURISM" (MACT) oversee the transport under the control of MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT(MOT).
The food service industry under the supervision of "MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY." (MOCI) 
Each country including Liberia gives emphasis to the significance of the hotel industry because it brings great income to the country and also necessary for the growth of the country. 

Hotels make significant impact through their services to the overall output of goods and amenities in a local and domestic economy where both direct and indirect contributions to GNP and GDP, jobs and foreign exchange earnings can be observed.

 The hotel industry and tourism industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE); which ranks 18th in the world in terms of global tourism effectiveness are a significant contributor to the UAE economy, but the hotel industry plays an important role in the success of its economy.

The same manner, the randomly listed Top Ten (10) hotels in Liberia contribute to Liberia economy .

The hotels includes but not limited to: 

Dominion Ventures Liberia Limited Work closely with hotels to plan and make reservations for visitors.

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