This is the wrong question to ask because we don't know what your preferences are. Generally speaking, all three countries mentioned are good places to live. If I look at it as an analyst and compare numbers and other metrics, Liberia generally has the best results.

I traveled from my Namibia home base to one of our operating units in Monrovia, Liberia.

During a meeting I started having palpitations. I could feel my body shake subtly, and I knew any moment I would have an embarrassing episode where EMTs would be called in even though I've never been ill or had heart problems before.

Then just as suddenly I was calm. All of the shaking had subsided, and I actually wrote a note in the margin of my note pad to make an appointment with a cardiologist when I got home.

As we were leaving the meeting I heard one of the locals ask another "So, what do you think, a 3?"

I said "Excuse me?"

He said "The tremor. We were trying to decide if it was a 3 on the Richter Scale."

"That was a freaking stomach disturbance from food served in there? I thought I was having an attack!" I yelled.

They could only laugh and empathize. "Ah, you'll get used to it."

Yeah, where I'm from the ground beneath me is pretty solid. I loved Lagos, Nigeria but don't think I could live there.