Shiloh is the annual convocation of the winner's family worldwide; it is a prophetic gathering of the children of God to obtain their long standing inheritance.

Alternatively, Shiloh is the annual prophetic gathering of Winners worldwide for a feast of the Word, where we access our inheritance in Christ until the land is subdued before us, both as a Church and as individuals.
In 1999, Bishop Oyedepo prophetically declared Shiloh with the theme, "Encounter with destiny" ever since then it had been a mountain of instant answers, turnarounds, spectacular testimonies and sound teaching of the word.

Shiloh 2022 is the 24th Shiloh, with the theme 'COVENANT HIGHWAYS' – Isa. 55:8-13. it is a season of prophetic turnaround for the winner's family worldwide and all those who connect to the grace upon the commission.

Shiloh 2022 is a Mountain of Divine Encounter and The Annual Spiritual Gathering of Members of The Living Faith Church (Winners' Chapel) at The Church Headquarters, Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Nigeria.

Dominion Ventures Liberia limited invites you to join winners' family worldwide to embrace Divine Encounter at Winner Chapel, Sayon Town, Bushrod Island, Monrovia or any Winner Chapel View Center in Liberia.

For directive and plan visit to Liberia; contact us at Caldwell New Georgia Road or . Alternatively, Register your interest in our website portal


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